Managing Joint Pain: Tips for Women in Mid-Age and Menopause

My elbow hurts doing push-ups, my shoulder hurts doing press-ups, my knee hurts when I do single-leg work, and I feel my Achilles when skipping.

Joint pain?

Welcome to the world of peri, menopausal and post-menopausal women.

When you hit 45 and beyond, the body becomes inflamed due to the lack of hormones to counteract the inflammation.

Our body can’t get away with inflammatory food and lifestyle as it used to.

A new approach and care for your food and how you live your life are inevitable if you want to continue living with freedom and autonomy in your 40s and beyond.

Inflammation leads to tendinitis, tennis elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Arthritis and many other itises.

Here are a few tips that I give to my clients from my 45+ Wellness & Fitness Program:

  • You can start by following an anti-inflammatory diet, excluding sugar, white flour, processed food, fried food, and, sadly, yes, you know what … alcohol.
  • Increase your consumption of veggies and fruits.
  • Include supplements such as fish oil, collagen, Turmeric and magnesium. They all have anti-inflammatory properties.

If you need more help with a personable approach, please reach out.
