“Why Do We Tend to Gain Weight After 40?”

After the 40s, our body becomes more insulin resistant because of the hormone change.

Every time we eat a high-carb, significantly refined carb, it becomes sugar, and our body stores it as fat around the belly instead of using it.

Sadly, we don’t deal well with bread, pasta, pastries, pies, biscuits, and crackers. This is one of the top reasons a woman over 40 puts weight around the belly.

The good news is you can still have your moment of high carb content and use it if you eat at the right time when the body cells will be open to receive and use that bread. This is within 30 minutes after exercise, strength or HIIT training.

My program teaches strategies to change body composition after the 40s. I look into your goals and needs and work with you to give you science-based strategies to help your body work for you and mitigate the effects of hormone change.

Want to know more? Please send me a message.
