Exercise is your Solution Are you feeling sluggish? Demotivated? No energy ? Do you wake up every day with a new pain ? Do you feel stiff ? 👉The February 7, 2022
How to age strong and independent Things to incorporate on your training to age strong with independence and freedom. 👊Strength training – Lift heavy shit 🙌Plyometric training – Jumping stuff ( February 7, 2022
I look like a 6-month pregnant woman! My belly is huge, I feel terrible! Help!”- recent friend’s message My dearest friend, I hear you, and I don’t like that you feel that February 7, 2022
How to lose the pregnant look belly after 40s Cont. last post about “ ” answering my friend’s message. How to train to impact body composition after 40s: Include HIIT on your training – February 7, 2022
Suplement to boost energy and libido Hey you, woman in your mid-forties + Do you need energy ? Are you feeling a little bit stressed out ? Could you do with September 24, 2021
Excess of food and booze are shitty consolation prizes for higher needs. Whenever I reach for food and am not hungry, I know there is something behind that impulse. What am I looking for? Is it comfort? August 31, 2021
THE STORY OF HOW I SAVED MY OWN LIFE… AND HOW THIS COULD SAVE YOURS… On my last day of work as a TV Producer Coordinator I could not imagine what was coming ahead. 18 years of a career in August 24, 2021
Where is my energy ? On a winter morning I was dragging myself out of bed after 8 hours sleep. No energy, no will to go out and win my August 24, 2021
Do you choose to move, or do you avoid movement? Have you considered that one of the reasons that we put weight as we age is because WE ARE ALSO NOT MOVING AS MUCH AS August 24, 2021
Take charge of your life Are you over 40 trying to lose weight and getting frustrated ? Do you feel that what you used to do before and worked is August 24, 2021
The Rage Have you ever felt like you are about to erupt like a volcano? Have you felt a rage out of nowhere that brings out a August 23, 2021
Stress and weight gain Hello, women over 40! Are you frustrated because you can’t lose weight? One of THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO CONSIDER IN THIS PHASE OF YOUR August 23, 2021