A path to feeling good
Detox Juice

After Melbourne Cup, I thought some of you might like the recipe of a Detox Juice You need a juicer, not a blender 3 carrots


Ready for 6 am class after a sleepless night. 3 am staring the ceiling. Magnesium failed. “You” on Netflix + concerns +head spinning won How

You need to want

When you are living an unhealthy life there is no other way to change without discipline. What brought you to an unhealthy life were your

FUN after 40s

Hey you woman over 40s are you having fun ? are you seeking pleasure ? are you living with joy ? The imbalance of progesterone

Keeping your muscles

Declining in muscle mass is part of aging but doesn’t mean you are helpless. In our 30s the muscle quality and quantity start to decrease

Eat your protein

I struggled to have more protein in my diet. As I studied about women going through hormonal changes and learned about the importance of protein

High Protein Pancakes

Rainy Sunday Breakfast High Protein pancakes 1/2 cup of egg whites 1 scoop whey powder ( I used strawberry flavour) 1 tsp linseed 1 tbsp

What is perimenopause?

I hear a lot of times…” I can’t be in menopause I am too young for this. I am still menstruating. “ Yes that’s right

How to use fat instead of store

How to stimulate the use of fat instead of the storage of fat after 40. Add some HIIT training to your week. Short periods of

When you are ready go heavy

Declining in muscle mass is part of aging but doesn’t mean you are helpless. In our 30s the muscle quality and quantity start to decrease